- Order Sub-system is a component of WCS that provides shopping carts, order capture, order fulfillment, inventory & payment function support.
- An order includes one or more products, billing & shipping addresses, payment details & the total cost including shipping charges & taxes.
- From a customer persective an order is a list of selected products.
- Each product in a list is called an order item.
- From a store perspective an order is a list of order items.
- Orders are associated with a single store.
- An order profile is a special type of order that can be associated with either a store or a store group.
- The order profile holds default information about a customer such as payment information, shipping address, shipping mode & billing address.
Ø There are 4 inventory systems, they are:
1. ATP inventory.
2. Non-ATP inventory.
3. No inventory.
4. External inventory.
ATP Inventory: The ATP inventory model enables you to allocate stock from existing inventory or backorder from expected inventory. You can also obtain an estimated availability time for each order item once it has been added into the shopping cart. The ATP also supports allocating stocks for future order processing.
Non-ATP Inventory: The non-ATP inventory model supports inventory operations that are only based on existing on-hand inventory.
No Inventory: The no inventory model assumes that all products have infinite quantities. When the products in a store are virtual products, digital downloadable products, or electronic assets, such as downloadable images or music.
External Inventory: External inventory is used for Websphere Commerce and some external inventory systems integration. For integration with other inventory systems, you might select ATP, non-ATP, or No-inventory inventory system based on the specific inventory system and integration scenario.
The shipping codes for an order sub-system are:
- A - Payment Authorization requires review.
- B - Backordered.
- C - Payment Authorization complete.
- D - Deposited.
- E - CSR Edit.
- F - Ready for remote fulfillment.
- G - Pending remote fulfillment.
- H - Error in remote fulfillment.
- I - Submitted.
- J - Trashcan.
- L - No inventory.
- M - Either a part or total amount is approved.
- N - Approval denied.
- P - Pending Order.
- Q - Quick order profile.
- R - Released.
- S - Shipped.
- T - Temparory.
- W - Pending approval.
- X - Cancelled.
- Y - Private requisition list.
- Z – Sharable requisition list.