Friday 7 September 2012

Tutorial Point offline browsing Link for download.

This Post is very much usefull to those who are not able to Browse the Internet for Java preparation Please download the material from this link

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Prepare well all the best Friends.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Steps in Publishing The .SAR file.

Publishing Steps for Store Archive (.sar)
· A store archive file (.sar) is a ZIP archive file that contains all the assets necessary to create a store or site. It is primarily used as a vehicle for packaging and delivering stores. You only need to publish a store archive to the WebSphere Commerce Server to create a functioning store or site that you can view, browse, and shop at.
· Store archive files are also used to package and deliver organization structures, predefined user roles, and access control policies necessary to create the environment for your store or site, as well as to package collections of assets used to create a catalog or storefront.
Publishing a Madisons.sar file: The steps are:
The sar file location is WCDE_installdir/starterstores/AddOnFeatures
· Open the Administration Console, selecting the Site option.
· From the Stores Archives menu, select Publish. The Store Archives page displays listing the store archives available for publish. By default, the page displaying composite store archives displays.
· From the View list, select Add On Feature.
· Select MadisonsEnhancements.sar.
· Click Next.
· Select the Madisons-based starter store onto which you want to publish the Madisons enhancements store archive. The Publish wizard must publish the Madisons enhancements store archive on top of the Madisons starter store; no other starter stores are supported. There are three stores:
1. Marketing Store.
2. Catalog Store.
3. Customer facing Store.
4. If you are using a single store setup then choose the same store for all three.
5. If you are using an Extended sites model, choose the appropriate stores that you are using.
· Click Next. The Summary page displays, listing the store archive and parameters selected, and the location to which the store archive is published.
· After reviewing the summary information, click Finish. A confirmation dialog displays, telling you the number of the publishing job. Note the job number for future reference.

· To check the publishing status, click Refresh.
· When the Publish Status column displays Successful, select the corresponding job number; then click Details.
· To launch the published store in a browser, click Launch Store.
· When you have finished viewing the store, bookmark the site, and close the browser.
· Restart the WebSphere Commerce Server.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Commands Present in Order Subsystem.

Some of the commands related to Order Sub-system are:
The tables in Order Sub-system are:
1. Orders
2. OrderMGP: Relation between Order & Member.
3. OrderItem
4. ORDITEMCONF: Relation between order items & order item shipment confirmation.
5. Ffmcenter
6. ORDUSERS: Contains information about users that worked with an order.
7. OrdTax: Represents the total tax for all order items in an order.
a. ORDSTAT: Contains information about the status of an Order Status Update inbound message.
b. ORDISTAT: This table contains information about the items within a single order for an Order Status Update inbound message.
8. SCHORDERS: Contains the entries for scheduled orders.
a. SUBORDERS: Contains subtotals of amounts for all the OrderItems of an Order with the same shipping address.
b. ORDPAYINFO: Holds a name-value pair representing payment information for a particular Order.
c. ORDPAYMTHD: The Order Payment Method table contains order payment or refund methods selected for an order.

Solr settings and full indexing (Attribute task update)

SOLR is mainly used for : Indexing Querying    SOLR is a product of apache and having the inbuilt server named jeety. Mainly the ...