Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Detailed Version of "eSpots and cSpots"

eSpots(e-Marketing Spots)
ESpots are specific defined areas on a JSP page whose content can be dynamically configured based on rules. eSpots reserve space on your store pages in which content displays. Use for marketing activity. Add email activity (send promotional mails for selected group in specified time), web activity(start,end date,priority,status).

For calling e-marketing spot use below jsp

< c : import url="${jspStoreDir}include/eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp">

< / c:import>

c-Spots (Content Spot )
-atleast one content is mandatory -
-can be scheduled with start/end date
-call the content spot name in jsp to display the attached content

For calling c-spot use below jsp

< c:import url="../Snippets/Marketing/Content/ContentSpotDisplay.jsp">
< c: param name="spotName" value="mycontent1" />
< c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{spotname},${spotName}"/>
< c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{myname},${name}"/>
< c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{myid},${id}"/>
< c:param name="substitutionValues" value="{mycomment},${comment}"/>

< / c:import>

Solr settings and full indexing (Attribute task update)

SOLR is mainly used for : Indexing Querying    SOLR is a product of apache and having the inbuilt server named jeety. Mainly the ...